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index of townLand maps

Click on the number to access the Townland's corresponding map. Some Townlands are spread across several maps therefore have more than one number.

Aglish 9 & 10

Anneville 16

Ballard 9 & 14

Ballinphunta 8, 9, 13 & 14

Ballycasheen 6 & 11

Ballyportry North 13, 17 & 20

Ballyportry South 13, 14, 17 & 20

Baunkyle 16, 19, 20 & 23

Booltiaghadine 15 & 18

Bunnanagat North 7 & 12

Bunnanagat South 12

Caherblonick North 11 & 15

Caherblonick South 15

Caherbullaun 9 & 14

Caherfadda 6 & 11

Cahermackateer 15 & 18

Cahermacon 11

Carrownamaddra 4 & 8

Coad 12, 13, 16 & 17

Commons North 3, 4 & 7

Commons South 7, 812 & 13

Cooloorta 2

Creehaun 21

Crossard 11, 12, 15 & 16

Dabrian 9 & 14

Drummoher 11 & 15

Elmvale 11 & 12

Glenquin 1 & 5

Gortlecka 1, 4, 5, 9 & 10

Inchiquin 12 & 16

Islandmore 17 & 20

Killeen 13, 16 & 17

Killinaboy 12

Kilvoydan 20, 23 & 22

Knockaunroe 4, 5, 8 & 9

Lackareagh 1

Laghtagoona 16, 17, 20, 22 & 23

Leamaneh North 6 & 6a

Leamaneh South 6 & 6a

Leana 3, 7, & 12

Lisduff 9, 13 & 14

Monanaleen 3, 4, 7, 8 & 12

Nooan 12, 15 & 16

Parknabinnia 6, 7, 11 & 12

Poulnalour 1 & 4

Rinnamona 4, 8 & 13

Roughaun 11 & 12 

Shandangan 13 & 14

Slievenaglasha 21

Teeskagh 3, 4 & 21

Tullycommon 21

Townlands Map.jpg
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